2025-01-08 09:54 sc |
Release record |
Date | 2025-01-08 | Band/tag number | 1235-08460 | Band size | 5 | Released by | App Wild Volunteer | Location NA county |
2025-01-07 16:33 kc |
Leftovers: 0 Food:36g m Exercise: flew 9x plus 3 half enclosure flights BAR, NOLO
2025-01-07 07:24 ME |
Pickup for release scheduled for 10 am Wed
2025-01-06 16:27 GM |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 21 g m Exercise: 6-8x
BARP, exercised 8x. Flew great p2p. NOLO.
2025-01-06 15:53 me/al |
Contacted Appwild to coordinate release.
Flight eval |
Exam date - | 2025-01-06 | Examiner - | me/al |
| Flight | Sound | Notes: Consistent, silent flight. Flew
to perch easily and fast. Did not
tire out easily, flew 8x. Good
gliding. |
2025-01-05 16:38 AG |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 31 g m Exercise: 6-8x BARP, NOLO, P to P
2025-01-04 15:32 cd |
Weight: 156 grams, Keel score: 3.5, Leftovers: 0 Live prey test results: starting weight = 144 g, final weight = 156 g Gained 12 grams -> PASSED
Weight change: +14 g (10 %) Food: 22g m Check eyes: OU Weigh Keel check Cataract OD?
Camouflaging as we came in, NOLO, flying well when prompted. Keel 3.5-4.
Eye exam |
Exam date - | 2025-01-04 | Examiner - | cd |
| RIGHT | LEFT | PLR | Menace | PLR | Menace | ++ | DNE | ++ | DNE | Stain | | Stain | | DNE | | DNE |   | Right eye: Medial portion looks a little patchy
but not bad. Cataract present centrally
- saw this bird on/close to intake
and it
has not changed size or shape.
| Left eye: Small patch of scarring caudally,
larger patch laterally, ~7-10%
affected in total |
2025-01-04 08:02 cd |
----------- ORDER CHANGE ------------- end mouse school, switch to reg food
2025-01-03 16:19 LT |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 1 LM
BARP, NOLO. Very bright and alert, flying back and forth multiple times during enclosure inspection. One Live mouse placed in enclosure.
2025-01-02 11:38 mgs |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 1 LM BAR and perched.; NOLO Exercise: 8x very well with no encouragement. Did go to ground once and clutched ceiling few times but good flying.
2025-01-01 10:47 SC |
Weight: 142 grams, Keel score: 3.5 Weight change: -2 g (1 %) Food: 1 LM Weigh Exercise: 6-8x
Flew very well, hard to catch since the bird does u-turns and dodges the net regularly. Mid mouse school weigh
2024-12-31 12:15 JD |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 1 LM Exercise: 6-8x Flight very silent and smooth, completed 10x, BARP, NOLO, didn't go for mouse upon release
2024-12-30 16:36 GM |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 1 LM Exercised: 8x
QARP, trying to appear like a tree. Flew very well for exercise. 1 live mouse placed in enclosure. NOLO.
2024-12-30 15:00 cd |
Weight: 144 grams, Keel score: 3.0, Leftovers: 0 Weight change: +3 g (2 %) Food: 1 LM Weigh Keel check Exercise: 6-8x
Perched on far end, camouflaging. Ex 8x, flew well, silent, good glide. Some wall clinging on each end. NOLO, dropped food.
----------- ORDER CHANGE ------------- start LPT
2024-12-29 17:09 AG |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 25 g m Exercise: 6-8x BARP, NOLO, P to P
2024-12-28 15:00 ABH |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 23 g dk m Exercise: 9x
NOLO. BARP. Able to fly p2p without incident.
2024-12-27 16:50 MS |
Eyes have improved. Start LPT next week.
2024-12-27 15:17 LT |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 29 g dk m (+ vit + Ca) Exercise: 6-8x
BAR, On ground underneath water bowl. NOLO. Very bright and alert. Exercised 8x successfully with no noticeable flight or landing issues.
2024-12-27 10:34 GC |
Fecal |
Collection date | 2024-12-26 | Results | NEG |
Fecal |
Collection date | 2024-12-26 | Results | NEG |
2024-12-26 15:28 ME |
Weight: 141 grams, Keel score: 4.0 Weight change: -9 g (6 %) Food: 28 g m Check eyes: OU NOLO, BARP Exercise: 8x before capture, fast, quiet
Eye exam |
Exam date - | 2024-12-26 | Examiner - | ME |
| RIGHT | LEFT | PLR | Menace | PLR | Menace | + | DNE | + | DNE | Stain | | Stain | | DNE | | DNE |   | Right eye: WNL | Left eye: scarring caudal to pecten, 5% affected |
2024-12-25 08:56 jh |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 35 g m (+ vit + Ca) BARP, NOLO remained still while I dropped food
2024-12-24 11:00 MS |
2024-12-23 17:00 cd |
fecal dry, recollect on Wed
2024-12-23 15:27 GM |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 23 g m (+ vit + Ca) Exercised: 8x
BARP, flew well perch to perch, quickly completing laps for exercise. NOLO.
2024-12-22 16:26 AG |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 30 g m Fecal taken Exercise: 6-8x BARP, NOLO, P to P
2024-12-21 17:01 MS |
Weight: 150 grams, Keel score: 3.5, Leftovers: 0 Weight change: -9 g (6 %) Food: 27 g m Weigh Keel check
BARP, flew p2p twice. NOLO. Close to a keel of 4. Sprayed down back wall. Weight has slowly decreased since admission; recheck parasite load tomorrow.
2024-12-21 14:50 MS |
----------- ORDER CHANGE ------------- start exercise
2024-12-20 16:05 cd |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 29 g m (+ vit + Ca) Start exercise if NOLO since moving
Perched & camouflaging, NOLO. Flew when approached. does not perch well close to door but does great on other side. flew ~10 lengths, silent, good stamina & agility. Landed on the ground close to door on ninth lap and reperched when prompted w/o problem. Minimal glide at times.
2024-12-18 09:00 SC |
Weight: 159 grams, Keel score: 3.5 Weight change: -1 g (1 %) Food: 34 g m (+ vit + Ca) Weigh Keel check Move to - flight cage Switch to: SID
Perched and very mobile when trying to handle. Weight is stable with a good keel. Moved out to R8
----------- ORDER CHANGE ------------- Moved to flight enclosure Switch to SID Plan to start exercise in 2 days
2024-12-17 17:04 MS |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 16 g m Meloxicam: 0.05 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Quiet, perched. NOLO seen.
2024-12-17 09:28 RMB |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 15 g m Meloxicam: 0.05 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO Check eyes: OU
BARP, NOLO, changed papers.
----------- ORDER CHANGE ------------- stop fluids
Eye exam |
Exam date - | 2024-12-17 | Examiner - | RMB |
| RIGHT | LEFT | PLR | Menace | PLR | Menace | ++ | DNE | ++ | DNE | Stain | | Stain | | DNE | | DNE |   | Right eye: A little mottling on retina, dorsal/lateral.
Very small cataract in center.
| Left eye: Retina looks very good, very tiny
amount of floating debris lateral. |
2024-12-16 17:53 AL/srm |
Leftovers: 20 Food: 19 g dk m (+ vit + Ca) Meloxicam: 0.05 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
qar, perched, nothing else of note
2024-12-16 09:00 eb |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 16 g dk m (+ vit + Ca) Meloxicam: 0.05 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
QAR perched, then hopped to back of kennel nolo changed newspaper pellet collected
2024-12-15 08:13 cd |
Weight: 160 grams, Keel score: 3.5, Leftovers: 0 Food: 16 g dk m Meloxicam: 0.05 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO Radiograph: intake Weigh
BARP, NOLO. Large pellet removed. Anaesthetized under ISO and oxygen via mask for radiographs (4% ind, 2% maint) - NSF. Normal recovery. Changed papers and replaced.
2024-12-14 17:00 AL |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 16 g dk m (+ vit + Ca) Meloxicam: 0.05 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
QAR, NOLO. Closed eyes and sat still while I changed papers.
2024-12-14 09:38 egg |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 17 g m SQ fluids: 5 ml, if not eating Meloxicam: 0.05 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO Camouflaging on perch, NOLO. Became active and ran when I was changing newspaper.
2024-12-13 17:14 cd |
Food: 15g m (+ vit + Ca) Meloxicam: 0.05 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Perched, camouflaging. Had this AM's food in talons - opted to not grab. Gave meds while perched, clacking and biting syringe but stayed perched. Pellet removed. Dropped new food and left him with AM food as well.
2024-12-13 15:20 cd |
no tx necessary
Fecal |
Collection date | 2024-12-13 | Results | POS for porrocaecum fluke capillaria
Fecal |
Collection date | 2024-12-13 | Results | POS for capillaria
2024-12-13 11:22 ME |
Band changed to: 5042
2024-12-13 10:00 ME |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 19 g m (+ vit + Ca) Meloxicam: 0.05 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO NOLO perched, QAR fresh Fecal collected Applied ID band # 5042
Eye exam |
Exam date - | 2024-12-13 | Examiner - | ME |
| RIGHT | LEFT | PLR | Menace | PLR | Menace | + | DNE | + | DNE | Stain | | Stain | | DNE | | DNE |   | Right eye: Lack of pattern cranial/lateral
to pecten, otherwise WNL | Left eye: PLR present but incomplete; gray
scarring caudal/lateral to pecten,
< 5 % affected; long tear lateral
to pecten, < 5% affected; small
tear cranial/lateral |
2024-12-12 16:39 SD |
Weight: 153 grams, Keel score: 3.0
------------- PHYSICAL EXAM FINDINGS ---------------- Head Behavior and Neuro: BAR Mouth: clear Ears: clear Body Wings Left wing: NSF, no fx palpated Right wing: NSF, no fx palpated Legs Left leg: NSF, no fx palpated Right leg: NSF, no fx palpated Ectoparasites: none seen
EASO transferred from AppWild after finder HBC. On admission, bird was BAR and feisty in hand. NSF on PE aside from eye damage. Set up in KR2 kennel and perched.
TREATMENTS GIVEN 0.02 ml meloxi IM 5 ml LRS SQ
Eye exam |
Exam date - | 2024-12-12 | Examiner - | MS/SD |
| RIGHT | LEFT | PLR | Menace | PLR | Menace | ++ | DNE | ++ | DNE | Stain | | Stain | | DNE | | DNE |   | Right eye: Some lack of pattern but retina
is otherwise WNL. Small opacity
in center of pupil - debris? | Left eye: widespread dark gray scarring,
esp caudal to pecten. Large, vertical
tear very lateral. |